Some clients come to me knowing I practise CranioSacral Therapy. Others come only knowing I am a Manual Therapist. I am often asked, what to expect during and after treatment. CranioSacral Therapy restores the natural balance of the body. I explain to clients, as we age the body develops layers of disfunction. During the treatment, these layers are brought to the surface and released by the body. Some people experience heat or cold, twitching, deep rest, or even slight pains.
How to get the best out of your treatment.
Every treatment is different. And every day our body is different. I will feel into the CranioSacral system to find which areas most need help today. The best you can do is to relax and go inwards, to let the subtle layers of adaption come to the surface. Whether you come for jaw pain, headaches, neck pain, tinnitus, dissiness, insomnia or anxiety, I will feel where your body is restricted. It is important to be well hydrated for treatment, as the body uses the fluid to detox and restore mobility. Have a sip of water before your treatment, and also afterwards. It is best to wear loose comfortable clothing, as you will be keeping all of your clothes on during treatment.
After treatment.
You may feel spaced out after treatment. I often say, I’ve muddled with your brain. The body is recalibrating, and will take 48 hrs to process the treatment and release any inflammation. Sometimes headaches or old pains surface as they work there way out of the body. Generally symptom reduction is the main reaction. Clients report sleeping better after treatment for the next few days and beyond. Babies tend to fall asleep in the car on the way home. Yawning is common, as the skull is more relaxed and the body yawns to facilitate more release around the head, neck and jaw.
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